The UltraVision System® empowers entrepreneurial confidence through a time-tested feasibility study that assembles soft and hard facts into sophisticated math models, a family wealth letter of intention and a prioritized list of options for major progress. An engagement provides some of the clearest insights on how to make desired progress.

The UltraVision System®

  • Value Proposition Pyramid
  • Phases
  • Feasibility Phase Deliverables
    • Family Letter of Intent which is a written inventory of your dreams, goals and ambitions.
    • Math Model of your future including:
      • A financial independence study will determine any "gaps" with regard to your future financial independence.
      • Projections of future business and asset values and their sufficiency for your goals.
      • A business transfer report to determine the ultimate distribution of the business and the tax considerations of such transfer under various scenarios.
      • A detailed, American Bankers Association formatted financial statement.
      • A one page summary checklist of customized "gauges" that measure your financial progress over time.
      • A wealth preservation audit of the various risks your wealth is exposed to and the sufficiency of the systems you now have in place for preservation of your business.
    • Summary Opinion Letter of your major opportunities for enhancing your future financial progress. 

Educational Video Series: Build-Module

Am I Saving Enough?

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Are you a good candidate for completing The UltraVision System®? That Depends…

  • Do you wonder if you pay more in taxes than you need to?
  • Do you have growing financial complications in your life?
  • Is your future bigger than your past?
  • Are you busy, successful and open to delegation?
  • Do you feel you are wasting time on your finances when you should be focusing on your business or spending time with family?